Privacy Policy

Tags: privacy, policy

Use of private information policy (GDPR)

Last updated: [20 June 2019]


We respect the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and this policy explains how we collect and treat any information you give us through this website. You won’t find any complicated legal terms or long passages of unreadable text. We have no desire to trick you into agreeing to something you might later regret.


This policy covers


Why we value your privacy

We value your privacy as much as we do our own, so we are committed to keeping your personal and business information safe. We are uncomfortable with the information companies, governments, and other organisations keep on file, so we ask for only the bare minimum from our website customers. We will never use your personal information for any reason other than why you gave it, and we will never give anyone access to it unless we are forced to by law.


How we collect information

We ask for contact information including your name and email address on this website so that we can reply to your enquiry.

This website uses cookies to handle your current session state. This is default code built into the .net framework which is used by this website's content management system. We don't track any personal information from cookies. This website does have Google Analytics on it to help us track how well our blog posts are performing. We do not export any of this information for later use. Some third party plugins will also include separate cookies for which we are not responsible for.


What information we hold

When you contact us by email or through this website, we collect your name and email address. This information is only used by our email program and is not stored on any server for later retrieval. 


What we use your information for

The information supplied is used to contact you in relation to the query you included in your original communication to us. 


Who’s responsible for your information

Veratech Research is responsible for the security of your information. You can contact us using our contact facilities if you have any concerns about the information we are storing.


Who has access to information about you

We are the only organisation who has access to the information supplied by you. This information is not passed onto any other party.


The steps we take to keep your information private

Any information supplied to us will be kept on a secure server and not be supplied to another third party.


How to complain

We take complaints very seriously. If you have any reason to complain about the ways we have handled your privacy, please contact us using our contact page.


Changes to the policy

If we change the contents of this policy, those changes will become effective the moment we publish them on this website.

“Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood. Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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